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Patsy Knox

Private Pilot

First Governor of the Arabian Section of the Ninety-Nines, 1989-1994;
Licensed in Gaithersburg, MD, in 1966.

Patsy Knox

Having been a registered dietitian in the US Public Health Service, she was able to use VA benefits to get a commercial with instrument, multi-engine and flight instructor ratings.

Patsy joined the 99s and Colorado Chapter in 1977.
As membership chairman, chapter doubled its membership and won the Great Race trophy, 1980.
Her greatest flying thrill was piloting her 1972 Cherokee Arrow 200 with Australian and 99 Jennifer Caine in their first air race, 1978 Angel Derby, All Women's International Race from Dallas - Love Field To Freeport, The Bahamas.
She flew Hughes Air Race Classic, 1979, and Mile High Air Derby, 1993, hitting the chalk-line on landing.
In 1989, Patsy organized the Arabian Section in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. To celebrate, her travel agent surprised her with a greatly reduced fare on Air France Concorde, Paris/Dulles, Washington DC. Pilot invited her to the cockpit for the approach and raising of the second wind shield. In I990, prior to Desert Storm, lead civilian tours including 99s to Dhahran AFB for the Langley, VA First Tactical Fighter Wing.

Member for more than 30 years, Patsy enjoys particularly the General Meetings of the Arabian Section of the Ninety-Nines, filled with many talented and professional young women pilots.

After 12 years in Saudi Arabia, built a Middle Eastern style home on the inter coastal waterway in Mary Esther, Florida. She welcomes all to come visit and tour, nearby, the outstanding Pensacola Naval Aviation Museum, home of the Blue Angels who now have a women pilot."

Patsy Knox


Patsy Knox,
First Arabian Section Governor, 1989-1994.
Licensed in Gaithersburg, MD, in 1966.

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